غمزة . موقع يهتم ب حواء يقدم عن تجارب ما هو قديم وجديد في عالم الموضة والازياء .
بلوجر ندون ونكتب عن تجاربنا مع الماكولات , نقدم احدث المشروبات العالمية .
مطبخك عندنا والاكلة دي علينا .
gmza website, in short, is a technical site that is concerned with what is new in the world of programs and applications, whether it is related to computers or smart mobile phones of all kinds and versions. The site was launched in 2011, specifically on the 16th of October. From the first moment of the site, we have focused our attention on the world of technology, represented by offering explanations of programs and applications and reviews of them, as well as explanations of computers and mobile phones. If you are entering the site for the first time, you will notice that the sections of the site are located on the upper horizontal menu, and from there you will be able to browse all the articles that we have placed on the site.
gmza is also interested in the world of smart mobile phones, whether they operate on the Android system or the IOS system, and the rest of the known systems, in terms of offering the latest updates for programs and applications that are listed on the official application stores. Gamza is also very interested in presenting technology news with a new perspective and form for the Arab user, whether it is topics related to news on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, as well as topics related to operating systems news, Google news, Microsoft and Apple and their products, whether iPhones and iPads of all kinds.
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